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  • This outline is subject to change as we progress in planning. You will be notified if you sign up..


  • This project will be phased, meaning that we will not be able to offer a complete range of products initially.


  • Founding membership sign up costs $200 a year. Memberships at this price will only be available in the first month of initial offering and will be limited in quantity. Founding members will be eligible for increased dividend payouts in the 3 years following.


  • Standard memberships will cost $250 a year.  


  • We cannot accept membership payments yet but you will be notified if you sign up. 


  • Payment plans and sponsorships will be available for membership fees on a case by case basis.


  • You must reside in Bermuda.


  • You will become an equal share owner with every other member in the co-operative.


  • You will have a single vote to cast when decisions are put to a vote.


  • Voting will be limited and proposed by the board or business side of the co-operative to ensure that the best service possible is provided and to avoid significant changes the business cannot cope with. 


  • The board will consist of co-operative members that are elected by other members. 


  • Core values of the co-operative will not be eligible for voting (listed below).


  • Dividends payouts will be limited until the company has achieved a profit margin that allows for expansion of offerings and perfection of service. These details are yet to be determined. â€‹


  • Financial assistance cards will be accepted, however, dividend payouts that utilize them will be returned to a government membership account for redistribution. (This system is yet to be confirmed)



  • To provide a superior grocery experience and exceptional customer service


  • Complete transparency in operations and development


  • Bermudian owned and operated


  • We will not utilize work permits unless it is to train locals for the positions


  • Livable wages for our employees and fair labor practices


  • A nonhierarchical work space based upon respect, mutuality and co-operation


  • Aiming for a relaxed, diverse, non-discriminatory environment


  • Employee training and hiring programs which aim to achieve equal opportunity for economically disadvantaged and disenfranchised groups. 


  • Supporting other collectives, co-operatives and businesses


  • To educate our members on the reality of food and exposure to chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics


  • Donating excess directly to families in need, non-profit organizations and schools


  • ​Striving for environmental sustainability in every aspect of operations of distribution


  • Aiming for a zero waste operations and distribution


  • Composting of all green wastes within the facility


  • Boycotting companies and brands that do not meet our ethical or environmental standards


  • Zero instances of modern slavery in product production lines will be tolerated


  • We will work with communities abroad to ensure a positive impact in developing countries we receive goods from


  • To support ethical meat manufacturers over standard meat production practices


  • To provide hormone and antibiotic free meats and dairy


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